Brushing the tongue with a toothbrush helps to reduce the tongue coating somewhat, but a tongue cleaner is much more effective. If you do not believe it, just try it out for yourself: First, use your toothbrush to clean the surface of your tongue, then use the tongue cleaner and see how much debris is left behind after only brushing.
The tongue cleaning is a very quick and easy process. Place your tongue cleaner at the back and middle of your tongue, taking care not to get too far back, the part with many important taste buds, and move the cleaner forward, gently removing a layer of debris. Rinse the debris off the tongue cleaner under running water, then gently scrape each side of the tongue. No need to scrape too hard. Repeat the process until you do not see any more coating, stop scraping and rinse your mouth with water. It is recommended to do this both morning and evening. If you feel some oral discomfort like dryness or a bad taste, often a tongue cleaning midday will help. This is a good practice especially if you had any significant stress, as tongue coating tends to increase during stress.
This cleaner is durable and will loop over the tongue surface with ease; hold it with both hands for an easy use. This scraping usually requires just three strokes: middle and both sides. Wash the debris off your cleaner and gently scrape the middle part again. If there is no debris left on the strip then you have completed your tongue cleaning. There is no need to repeat the process endlessly! Rinse your mouth well, with clean water or a naturally made mouthwash.